Monday, 19 September 2011

Product of the day!

I am a big advocate of Dermalogica, as you know.
And just recently, I tried a cleanser that I hadn't yet come across. I decided to give the Ultracalming Cleanser a go and, what a great decision!

What I love about this facial wash, is the soothing effect it has on my skin.
It has calmed the red bits around my nose (I've got a cold, you see) and really reduces the tightness that I sometimes feel.
Also, and this is a big plus, it's great for blokes too! The Other Half has taken to using it as it is great after a shave - very calming and soothing.

Get yourselves a bottle and let me know how you get on.


  1. I really like this- agree that it's a fab choice for sensitive skin!

  2. Yes, it's awesome. Let's keep in touch!
